"Is love a tender thing? it is too rough,
Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn."
-Romeo (From the play Romeo and Juliette-Shakespeare)
So Shakespeare did have some sense after all. LOL. No offence intended, if you're one of his fans. I do like Shakespeare, I find some of his work to be really good, the rest, I do not understand.
But he is wrong. Love is tender. It is happiness. It is only the absence of it which pricks like a thorn.
I wonder if it's just me. Why am I this way? I wish it wouldn't be this way. I wish I could be myself. I miss being me. The carefree, cheerful girl that I used to be. But it is wrong of me to dump it all on their shoulders-Slave of the All-knowing's. There's a lot more to my being this way.
I had dreaded this. Expected it. Everytime they failed to give me a firm answer on the matter,I knew. What hurt me so bad was something else that they did, and yet I respect it immensely, they did it only out of their fear for Allah. Masha Allah. Only a few minutes ago, I was reading this article "10 ways to win Allah's love" and one of the ways was to do that which Allah loves over that thing which we love. Subhanallah. That is exactly what Slave of the All-knowing is doing right now. And what right have I to be sad about that? No. I'm happy about that. Jannah is surrounded by hardships and Jahannam is surrounded by temptaion. This is hardship for me and them-i believe and this is not falling into temptation. Insha Allah, may Allah subhanata'ala reward Slave of the All-knowing abundantly for making me see that-Ameen.
But love is tender. I am all about love. And I can't help hurting despite wishing I wouldn't.
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