I got a call today, from one of my bestest friends. She and I have been best friends since we were in 6th grade. Best friends and partners for 3 years in a row. And after 2 years, again in same class and the same old buddies. She is a friend who can make me laugh anytime. A friend who brings out the joker in me. A friend who has played nasty pranks on me and whom I still can't stay mad at. She is the friend whom I miss the most. She never calls. She never calls untill it's a necessity. She never calls like us girls usually do, to hear from each other or to catch up. But she called today. And I was so surprised, so happy and thankful. And speaking with her, having some real girl-friend talk, it felt so good and made me feel light headed. And my mom was surprised too that she called, and she asked me why, I started talking about her and then I cried. Because I miss her and I love her and I'm gonna miss her even more.
You must think I'm such a cry baby. Guess I'm a little more weepy than usuall these days.
I miss those days with her and the rest of us. We were 5. 'Five Fingers' we were nicknamed. I remember once my teacher had referred to the 5 of us as 'Brainy Beauties'! And we were often called "The UNO girls" because of our obsession with playing the UNO cards. Those days were all but perfect; filled with so much fun and laughter and companionship. Friends are wonderful. The 5 of us are in five different places now; one of us is married, and the other three, even though we live in the same place, we go to different colleges and rarely ever see each other. I miss the married friend a lot too, it was her that I used to narrate the stories of the fictions that I read and she's such a good listener! She loved it when I told her stories. I lover her. These two are the closest to me, most intimate relationships. The others I have been friends with for only two years, but yet we are pretty thick and I miss them too; one of them - the one who always reminded us about Allah, she impresses me with her steadfastness in religion and the other - she is a synonym to 'neat as a pin' or the perfect example for the phrase. Masha Allah. The good old days. My sisters.
Then there are the twins whom I have been friends with for like 10 years; but the relationship with these two is different, or rather it grew different over time. Because time can change people, transform them. I do love them and I miss them too. But maybe it's because I separated from them 2 years back, when they went to a different school, and maybe that's why I don't miss them as much.
I wonder what kind of friends will I make again? Insha Allah, I will make good friends. But what will they be like? Will they love me? And what will it be like for me? There is no way I could possibly make the kind of friends that I have, is there? Friends make life better. The best memories of my school life are those with my friends, I cannot think of the memory of getting a Certificate as an unforgettable one, (although the time I scored 25/25 in bio is and the time I scored 79 1/2 in 80 in English is too) But there's no memory like of that day when we splashed water over each other and got ourselves Totally wet!! Friends add color to your art - as I said in one of my poems.
Thankyou Allah, for my friends, for all the laughter, fun and happiness that they gave me. Alhamdulillah Shukr. I pray that I will remain good friends with them all, always. Ameen. Insha Allah.
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