" It's not easy to hold it in inside;
nor is this silence I willingly abide,
so I let my words through these pages ride"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I apologize for lack of posts for the past few days. Sorry reader. Missed me? LOL.

Well, things have changed a bit. You won't believe this, remember what I said, about Slave of the All-knowing doing something unexpected that hurt me? Well, they sort of undid that. And I was like so surprised! I couldn't believe it! I was over the moon! But you know, they needn't have. It was okay. I had gotten used to it. Now there's no pain and no ache. There is just love. Love I don't have the right to have. It makes me feel guilty. But the thought of going through that empty feeling again, I can't imagine it. But maybe I will be able to, because it's a bit different this time, and it's not unexpected. They understand me so much better now. It means a lot to me.

I know them well yet they surprise me. How could that be?

How easily are we humans swayed? We're always slipping. Why can't we be firm? Of course, it's natural. Because it is said so; that we have to constantly ask Allah Subhanata'ala to renew our Iman. Because Iman worn outs like clothes. It makes me feel so guilty. I can't let Satan come between me and them. That thought scares me. I wish Satan would quit whispering in their ears! And mine. Asthafirullah! Auzu billahi mina shaitani rajeem.

May Allah protect us. Ameen.

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