It is quite disheartening to notice that the once so beautiful Indian Culture is perishing or rather transforming to a pathetic imitation of the west. So if this is how India has become, I dread to think how worse the west have gotten. I like to imagine someone like Gandhiki or Nehru seeing these people-the Indian youth-they'll probably faint!
Well maybe it's wrong of me to just get mad at the Indian youth for imitating the west. The arabs are no different, I have seen even Grandmothers wearing jeans beneath their Abaya. And the chinese or japanese or whoever-all look up to the west. But I think it's just the Indians who are blindly imitating the west. Or so i believe.
Walking through the streets of this place and I'm thinking about the Prophet Sallahi Walaihi Wassallam's words - "Women will be wearing clothes, but not wearing clothes". SubhanaAllah, That is exactly the case.
And their english! Ugh. It just bugs me like crazy! To listen to them, with that increasingly annoying tone and accent. Thank Allah- I do not have that Indian touch to my english by some miracle. And why are they always speaking english? You know like ALWAYS. Maddeningly so. To show off undoubtedly. But why is English language treated as something to be showed off? I never understood that. Crazy people.
Learn to speak arabic. Then you have something to show off. And yet, my Slave of the All-knowing never showed off with it. Masha Allah, I love their modesty.
English is easy peasy. The language is a piece of cake, adhering to its rules is perhaps tough.
By the way, I wear jeans, and I wear converse and I intend no offence to English language, in fact I love it and I'm in fact a BA English student.

May Allah Subhanata'ala save my Nation from corruption. Ameen.
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