" It's not easy to hold it in inside;
nor is this silence I willingly abide,
so I let my words through these pages ride"

Monday, September 27, 2010

The beauty of my Deen

Islam- submission. Submission to the will of Allah Subhanata'ala. As simple as that. But yet, isn't it amazing that there is not a single aspect of life that this religion does not cover? SubhanaAllah, it is. Islam is beauty. "When lewdness becomes a part of anything it becomes defective and when Hayaa is a part of anything it becomes beautiful". Hayaa-mostly interpreted as shyness. Isn't it beautiful of our religion to encourage shyness? And discourage lewdness? That is but one example. I wish I could provide you with more, but my knowledge is limited.

I thank Allah for the honour of Islam on me. There is nothing more beautiful than submitting to the will of Allah.

The Deen is perfect. Allah has perfected it for us. In it there is an answer to every question, a solution to every problem and a way out of every mess.

I had written a poem once, I think I had named it "The beauty of Belief in Allah". I have yet to complete it, insha Allah, I should post it here.

Posting my thoughts here, like writing helps me relieve so much.

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