" It's not easy to hold it in inside;
nor is this silence I willingly abide,
so I let my words through these pages ride"

Monday, November 22, 2010

Halal magic

So the other day, at that friends' pre-nikah dinner, two friends were looking through the pictures on my phone and they saw some of my doodle art pictures that I did in class, and all of them were...you know...hearts and their name and those 3 words and my friend was like "oh I had the fortune of seeing you say 'I love you' to someone!!". LOL.

So they think I can't love? They think I can't flirt? That's exactly what they think. How far they are from truth. They would flip if they knew what I'm capable of. I was always a true romantic at heart.

"You're the hardest girl not to marry". "You're the only girl I can't say No to."

That's me.

I can be bad. I am just waiting to be halal bad, to work my halal magic; as Mohammed Al-shareef said a scholar called it, on my man, the man Allah has decreed for me. Slave of the All-knowing. Insha Allah.

Halal magic, that truly is an awesome term for us women. Everyone of us can do it, this halal magic because Allah has given it to us, He has created us that way. We can influence men, it is like magic. When we use that gift on our husbands, it becomes halal magic.

Guess what? Once again, it has been proved that I'm not like other girls.

May Allah reward us both for all our Sabr and forgive our sins and grant us success in our marriage. Ameen.

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