" It's not easy to hold it in inside;
nor is this silence I willingly abide,
so I let my words through these pages ride"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

More Foolish Questions

So what if he's of bad character? That was a question raised tonight at a friend's pre-nikah dinner. She was opposed soon by another friend, who sided me. Of course the former was speaking in general terms and not specifically me.

How foolish. Why is it that they don't understand that you can only know a person once you start living with them? And what makes them think I'm completely clueless about this person I'm Insha Allah, getting married to? Like my friend argued, what makes them think that my parents will marry me off to some guy? Without learning enough?

People have affair for ages, and they realize there is a lot more to the person they fell in love with to that person they are married to and living with. Or say, one got to know their fiancé and learns that they are rather short tempered or rather possessive, does that mean that one can simply blow off the engagement just like that without valid reason?

No matter how much you learn about your to-be spouse; marriage will be marriage. Life will be life. Neither is Easy.

I say you go by the Hadiths. And put your trust in Allah. Leave the rest to Allah, you have done your part with His guidance, and then He will suffice, insha Allah.

So what I did was just smile and wave, (LOL, minus the wave) like the penguins in madasgcar. Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

There is no point in arguing or reasoning for me. My voice is drowned before I start to say 'Er'.

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