" It's not easy to hold it in inside;
nor is this silence I willingly abide,
so I let my words through these pages ride"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tiny sacrifice

I only recently found out something about them. Their taste in something and it suprised me so much! I spent so much time pondering over it; in fact I was actually sad that I would have to give up my likeness for something for them; likeness for something that I shouldn't be liking anyway. Asthafirullah, how stupid of me! It wasn't until a lot of thinking was done that it dawned on me; what does it matter? The Prophet Sallahi Walaihi Wassallam said "A place in Paradise equal to the size of a lash is better than the whole world and whatever is in it." SubhanAllah! How incredible is that? After I remembered that Hadith, my thoughts all seemed so ridiculous and unimportant. It was nothing. Allah is my priority. Earning His pleasure is my goal. Anything to earn his pleasure. Paradise lies beneath your mother's feet. For a woman, I learned that her husband is her road to Jannah. And if that involeves making sacrifices, even though they are tiny, then so be it, Insha Allah. A woman is all about sacrifices after all. Remember Allah. He will reward you. And remember the reward. Believe in the promises of Allah, and he will find for you from opportunities you never imagined.

But it was such a suprise! I would never have figured out! Alhamdulillah, I found it out now.
I would call it a tiny sacrifice. But what I get in return, Insha Allah is huge - the love of my husband; insha Allah. I wouldn't dream of trading my husband's contentment in me for jeans.

Don't ask. Long story. Figure it out yourselves reader.

But I understand them better now. I understand why they would dislike it and like otherwise. And makes me think; "of course. Why didn't it occur to me". Only I was thinking from a completely different aspect, not anymore though.

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